Friday, April 4, 2014

Red: The Accent Color for Fat Chef Kitchens

The charming look of the Fat Chef character includes red in his little chef outfit. Many of the looks include a red kerchief tied around his neck. That makes red a great accent color for a fat chef kitchen.

Even if you refer to the little guy as a Bistro Chef or Italian chef, he still looks the same. And he still has a chef costume. That includes his white jacket and apron, along with his black and white checkered pants. A black and white color scheme works great with a red accent color.

As we go through choosing red accent items, small kitchen appliances are ideal options. Think of the small appliances that regularly sit on your counters. Those that you use every day. Things like toasters, coffee pots, blenders, even crock pots. It's these small appliances that can work so well as red accents.

Imagine a grouping on your counter that includes a Fat Chef cookie jar, a red toaster and a little Fat Chef figurine. You have some items with the look of the little guy, accented with the red toaster, but grouped to have different heights. This makes a charming focal point in your kitchen decor.

Decorating any room, a kitchen included, can be as easy as what accessories and accents you include. In my world, repainting or rewallpapering is just too much work. So I like to go the easy way. Picking accents and accessories in my theme.

With a fat chef theme in the kitchen, you don't need to go crazy with the whole effect of the little guy. In fact, that can end up being overdone and seem cluttered. So you augment the look with accent colors. And red is the perfect accent color for the fat chef kitchen decor.

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