Friday, February 7, 2014

Cupcake Making the Easy Way

We're going to have a fun time in the kitchen. There are plenty of chores that need to be done to make meals, but cupcakes are just one of those fun things to do. But, let's make cupcakes the easy way. Let's use cupcake makers.

These handy little kitchen small appliances may not be used every day. But when they are needed, they are great! Cupcakes are the most popular dessert or sweets item these days. And for good reason. Overall, they are much more fun to make and decorate than a full sized cake. Actually, the decorating is the really fun part.

They are easier to serve and easier to eat. Slicing and plating are just not necessary with cupcakes. Neither is a fork and knife. So we are all enjoying making and serving cupcakes.

I first got a cupcake maker because I was going to have my granddaughter visiting for a week. What to do with an 8 year old little girl for all that time? She and I would make cookies often when she visited, but I wanted something different. Cupcakes were the perfect answer.

I was thrilled to discover that cupcake makers weren't terribly expensive. In fact, many turned out to be pretty inexpensive! Since I thought we were going to use it only a few times, then pack away until her next visit, I got a cheap one.

It turned out to be a pretty inexpensive way to discover that I love making cupcakes. I have since replaced the cheap cupcake maker with a better one. Now, I make the dessert kind of cupcakes, but I also make dinner muffins and breakfast muffins in my cupcake maker. Yes, I use it several times a week.

Always aware of the addition of more small appliances in the kitchen, it was beneficial to test out whether I would want this one or not. It turned out to a valuable addition to my kitchen. Probably yours as well.

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